Beetroot falafel

beetroot-falafel-wie-cook-garden-resizedBeetroot is very much in season at this time of the year, so try adding this earthy root vegetable to your meals for a bit of colour. Today, we’ve got a recipe for homemade falafel, which would traditionally be made with just chickpeas and fried onions, but with the addition of beetroot, you get the most amazing, bright pink colour! Serve them up as a veggie starter or in pita bread with hummus or Greek yogurt for a delicious lunch. Continue reading “Beetroot falafel”

Winter lentil and mint soup

soup-bowl-425168_1920We’ve borrowed the NFWI’s recipe of the week for our foodie post today, featuring a warming and hearty soup for these chilly days that we’ve been having lately. Does anyone else feel like we had a ‘false spring’ in December where it felt surprisingly warm for the time of year? We’re definitely feeling the cold now though! Fight off that cold with this soup that’s perfect for lunch time and can also be made vegan by including vegan vegetable stock! Continue reading “Winter lentil and mint soup”

Pumpkin soup

curry-pumpkin-soupIt’s that time of the year when you’re left with a whole load of pumpkin from Halloween with no idea of what to do with it. Did you know you could freeze pumpkin and thaw it out when you want to use it? We had no idea, but for this recipe, the fresher the pumpkin the better. This is a hearty, warming soup with a lovely earthy undertone. It’s ideal for this chilly weather! Continue reading “Pumpkin soup”